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Walking for Pleasure

Prospective Membership Plan Subscription

Information regarding Subscriptions

After you have completed the form and have clicked Process Subscription at the bottom, you will receive an email with your invoice. 
If you pay by Direct Debit, Cheque or Cash please select "Offline Payment" and your invoice will be set to pending.
Once the Treasurer has received your payment your status will be set to Active and you will receive a second email. 
Offline payment confirmation can take more than 48 hours as it is done manually.

Membership Cards and Invoices are ONLY valid with an active status. Prospective Membership Plan.

For Prospective Members applying for membership, please download and read the Code of Conduct and Guide to Bushwalking. 

It is not possible to become a member if this is not selected. The NWWC Terms and Conditions are viewable below by selecting the NWWC Terms and Conditions (above the blue [ Process Subscription/Renew ] button).

Payment Information
